Useful Links - other groups that may be of interest.
The Rainbow Bridge Association At the heart of training and development - personal and spiritual.
Living and Service Science of the Soul.
Alcor Institute Spirituality, Education, Science, Psychology, Economics, Art, Health, Sociology.
Institute for Planetary Synthesis
INEH Netherlands
The Lucis Trust runs the Arcane School, founded by Alice Bailey, and publishes Bailey’s books.
NAEH North American Esoteric Healing group.
Sundial House runs a course to teach Creative Meditation.
The Confederation of Healing Organisations is a registered Charity dedicated to advancing the cause of healing from research to practice.
The Hamlin Trust is another organisation that promotes spiritual education. It publishes a journal and runs events and courses from its centre in Bosham, West Sussex.
William Meader is an author and renowned international teacher of spiritual philosophy, including the work of Bailey.
Alan Hopking is an herbalist and author on Esoteric Healing, books based on the teachings of the Tibetan & Alice Bailey.
The Scientific and Medical Network promotes research and sharing of knowledge with the aim of exploring and expanding the frontiers of science, medicine and spirituality.
Caduceus is an independent journal and website for the community of healers, seekers and world workers.
Resurgence is a magazine that covers spiritual, environmental and social issues including ecology, alternative education, sacred art, the economics of wellbeing and sustainability.
Green Spirit is a network of people who celebrate the human spirit in the context of our place in the natural world and Earth's own evolutionary journey.
Living and Service Science of the Soul.
Alcor Institute Spirituality, Education, Science, Psychology, Economics, Art, Health, Sociology.
Institute for Planetary Synthesis
INEH Netherlands
The Lucis Trust runs the Arcane School, founded by Alice Bailey, and publishes Bailey’s books.
NAEH North American Esoteric Healing group.
Sundial House runs a course to teach Creative Meditation.
The Confederation of Healing Organisations is a registered Charity dedicated to advancing the cause of healing from research to practice.
The Hamlin Trust is another organisation that promotes spiritual education. It publishes a journal and runs events and courses from its centre in Bosham, West Sussex.
William Meader is an author and renowned international teacher of spiritual philosophy, including the work of Bailey.
Alan Hopking is an herbalist and author on Esoteric Healing, books based on the teachings of the Tibetan & Alice Bailey.
The Scientific and Medical Network promotes research and sharing of knowledge with the aim of exploring and expanding the frontiers of science, medicine and spirituality.
Caduceus is an independent journal and website for the community of healers, seekers and world workers.
Resurgence is a magazine that covers spiritual, environmental and social issues including ecology, alternative education, sacred art, the economics of wellbeing and sustainability.
Green Spirit is a network of people who celebrate the human spirit in the context of our place in the natural world and Earth's own evolutionary journey.